Source code for jointly.helpers_plotting

"""Contains plotting helpers"""
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from jointly import normalize
from jointly.types import SyncPairs, SourceDict

[docs]def plot_segments( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, segments: SyncPairs, together=False, separate=False ): """ Plot the segments of a reference signal dataframe :param dataframe: the dataframe :param segments: a SyncPairs instance that specifies the data to be drawn :param together: true to plot everything together :param separate: true to plot separate """ signal_names = list(segments.keys()) segment_names = list(segments[signal_names[0]].keys()) if together == separate: raise ValueError("Set either `together` or `separate`") if together is True: # plot signals together ncols = 1 nrows = len(segment_names) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(15, 4 * nrows)) for segment_index, segment in enumerate(segment_names): axes[segment_index].set_title("{} segment".format(segment)) signals_with_segment = [ signal for signal in signal_names if segment in segments[signal] ] start = np.amin( [segments[x][segment]["start"] for x in signals_with_segment] ) end = np.amax([segments[x][segment]["end"] for x in signals_with_segment]) dataframe[start:end].plot(ax=axes[segment_index]) fig.tight_layout() if separate is True: # plot signals seperately ncols = len(segment_names) nrows = len(segments.keys()) cmap ="tab10") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(15, 4 * nrows)) for segment_index, signal_name in enumerate(segments.keys()): for index_seg, segment in enumerate(segment_names): if segment not in segments[signal_name]: continue axes[segment_index, index_seg].set_title( "{} segment of {}".format(segment, signal_name) ) segment = segments[signal_name][segment] dataframe[signal_name][segment["start"] : segment["end"]].plot( ax=axes[segment_index, index_seg], color=cmap(segment_index) ) fig.tight_layout()
[docs]def plot_reference_columns(sources: SourceDict, title: str = ""): """ Plots a normalized version of the reference columns, i.e., what jointly is detecting shakes on :param sources: a SourceDict :param title: additional title if desired """ plt.figure(f"Test Debug: {title}") for device in sources: ref_column = sources[device]["ref_column"] data = sources[device]["data"][ref_column].dropna() data = data[data != 0] data = pd.Series(normalize(data.values), data.index) plt.plot(data.index, data, label=device) plt.legend()